
Rasa Takut Tidak Menghalangi Kebersamaan

 Daerah yang saya tinggali memiliki lingkungan warga yang sangat suka bercengkrama dengan sesamanya. Hubungan antara warga penuh dengan kegiatan berkumpul bersama hingga saling mengirim makanan. Sayangnya, wabah Covid-19 membuat kegiatan antar warga ini harus dihentikan terlebih dahulu. Warung teh yang biasanya hidup oleh diskusi Pak RW dan warganya hingga anak-anak yang bermain bola di lapangan, semua itu harus ditahan dulu akibat wabah ini. Setelah berbulan-bulan wabah ini berjalan, satu persatu warga pun mulai terkena virus ini. Di tengah-tengah ketakutan yang ada di benak warga, warga yang terkena virus pun seperti terisolasi dari lingkungannya. Tetangga sekitarnya berusaha keras untuk menghindar demi keselamatan dirinya dan keluarganya. Menurutku sikap ini sangatlah normal mengingat waktu itu info mengenai virus ini belum selengkap sekarang. Namun dengan membiarkan tindakan warga disekitarnya diatur oleh rasa takut mereka, warga yang terkena virus menjadi kesulitan dalam memen...


  Perkenalkan nama saya Ilham Azka Ramadhan biasa dipanggil Ilham. Aku lahir 18 November 2001 di Bandung. Sekarang aku berkuliah di ITB di fakultas FTSL. Aku anak paling besar dari tiga bersaudara. Nah kalo kesukaan atau hobby aku suka banget tuh sama hal-hal yang berbau teknologi dan modelling sesuatu ,kalau olahraga aku paling suka bersepeda, eits tapi bukan bersepeda yang biasa-biasa aja yaa, biasanya aku suka mencari jalur atau memang track khusus off-road, nah hobby-hobby aku ini sebetulnya udah dibangun banget sejak aku kecil nih, karena dulu ayah aku tu suka banget yang Namanya sepedahan dan juga suka ngebeliin aku mainan kaya lego-lego gitu.   Oke biar lebih kenal ,akum au ngomongin tentang kelebihan dan kekurangan ku. Kata orang aku tuh dari kecil anaknya pendiem, bener juga sih aku tuh kalau ketemu sama orang baru pasti susah kalo disuruh kenalan duluan ,tapi kalo udah kenal… waduh gaada diem-diemnya aku tuh . Oh iya aku juga suka pelajaran matematika, menurutku ...


  [CHALLENGE DAY 2 OSKM] Ilham Azka Ramadhan 16620202 FTSL Keluarga 22 Perkembangan teknologi yang begitu pesat membuat kita berada di fase dimana pintu akses informasi terbuka dengan sangat lebar, batasan-batasan yang dulu pernah ada ,sekarang sudah runtuh dengan pesatnya perkembangan teknologi. Namun runtuhnya dinding penghambat ini juga merupakan keadaan yang sangat menguntungkan bagi oknum-oknum penyebar informasi hoaks. Hoaks merupakan salah satu “penyakit” yang diuntungkan dengan perkembangan teknologi saat ini , sekaligus menjadi masalah yang sangat penting untuk diselesaikan, mengapa? Mari kita analisis masalah ini dengan konsep VUCA.   Volatility: Fenomena hoaks, berita yang dilebih-lebihkan sebetulnya sudah ada sejak dahulu zaman dahulu, namun kecepatan dari tersalurnya informasi hoaks tersebut sangatlah cepat sehingga dengan waktu sepersekian detik informasi tersebut sudah diterima oleh orang banyak. Orang-orang yang memasuki zaman ini tentulah tidak akan me...


Subsun subsun  or  sub-sun  is a glowing spot that can be seen within  clouds  or haze when observed from above. The subsun appears directly below the  sun , and is caused by its light reflecting off of numerous tiny  ice crystals  suspended in the atmosphere. As such the effect belongs to the family of  halos . The region of ice crystals acts as a large  mirror , creating a  virtual image  of the sun which appears below the  horizon , analogous to the sun's reflection in a body of water.  The ice crystals responsible for a subsun are typically in the shape of flat hexagonal plates. As they fall through the air, their aerodynamic properties cause them to orient themselves horizontally, i.e., with their hexagonal surfaces parallel to the  Earth's  surface. When they are disturbed by turbulence, however, the plates start to "wobble", causing their surfaces to deviate some degrees from the ideal horizon...

the dream of mine

My name is Ilham Azka Ramadhan ,im 17 years old ,I was born on November 18th 2001 in Bandung. Im the first child from three son, so i have two brothers and I really hope they will be a better person than I am. My hobby is cycling ,and learn something new or create some project that include programming or designing. Since baby my family know me as a quiet person. And that personality is still within me till now im in highschool. But of course the people that know me for real, know that im not that quiet. Since elementary school im trying to be a "good boy", trying to meet my parents expectation so i wont be compared to my friend. But in junior highschool the "good boy" me was gone, i become a really lazy person ,perhaps because of my environment ,but in the end when i was faced againts the UN. When i was in elementary school i participate in two science olimpiade, and i didnt won both of those competition not even once. I think thats because the lack of my motiva...

Edu Passion for Me

Edu Passion for Me On January 4th ,2019 my school held an event called "Edu Passion". So what this event basically is, an event where there are a lot of University Stand so we know more about what University we will choose in the future. There are many ways we can get the information about a particular unviersity ,we can ask directly to people in the stand ,came to scheduled presentation of certain university, or just sit and hear the speech from one of the students . The most effective way (in my opinion) is just come to the scheduled presentation, because you got that privacy feeling when you are in it, and i think its make it more informational for the audience. Beside the presentation ,if you are the type to ask a simple question while eating an ice cream you can come to the stand and meet a student there. So dont get wrong, this event isnt just an "Asking Event" its more than that. You now how it feels to be a student in a university, you know how high an...


Every day too many men and women across the globe struggle to feed their children a nutritious meal. In a world where we produce enough food to feed everyone, 821 million people – one in nine – still go to bed on an empty stomach each night. Even more – one in three – suffer from some form of malnutrition. Even though the world governments are currently working on reducing the numbers of poverty and hunger across the world, the fact states otherwise. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute estimates that 2010 global military expenditure was $1630 billion, ... Globally it would cost $10 billion to provide universal primary education, $30 billion to eradicate world hunger, $30 billion to provide clean water to everyone without it. Which is the better investment? World powers are more eager to spend on controlling the world and not controlling hunger and poverty. That’s why, in order to truly free this world from hunger and poverty, we need to control our selfish...